Kävin eilen ystävieni kanssa Sinebrycoffin taidemuseossa. Jorma Purasen näyttely oli todella hieno ja pysyvä näyttely suorastaan eeppinen. Pidin Purasen, vanhoista maalauksista ottamista valokuvista, vaikkakin itsemaalaukset ovat minusta kauniimpia. Pysyvässä näyttelyssä olin erityisen ihastunut epookkisisustuksiin joiden lomaan näyttelyn taulut oli asetteltu. Tuntui melkein että ryhmämme olisi kuulunut sinne. Jos teillä on aikaa ja mahdollisuus käykää ehdottomasti tutkimassa paikkaa.
Yesterday me and my friends visited Sinebrycoff Art museum. We went to see Jorma Purase's photographic exhibitons and the permanent collection. I Loved the photographs from old painting but did like the actual paintings even more. Also the period accurate decores were absolutely amazing. If you eever have the time and a chance do check the museum out.
Yesterday me and my friends visited Sinebrycoff Art museum. We went to see Jorma Purase's photographic exhibitons and the permanent collection. I Loved the photographs from old painting but did like the actual paintings even more. Also the period accurate decores were absolutely amazing. If you eever have the time and a chance do check the museum out.
Jälkeen päin menimme nauttimaan virvokkeita Bulevardin kahvisalokiin. Valitettavasti petyimme jälleen. Ei hyvää teetä täälläkään. Vakiokahvilan etsiminen siis jatkuu. (Myöhemmin poistimme teen himomme vierailulla vanhassa kunnon The Ouncessa. Vieraskirjasta oli kiva bongata tuttuja. XD).
Afterwards we went to get some refreshments from Bulervardi's coffee salon. But our hopes were again disapppointed. No good tea here either. Our search for a favorite spot continues. (Later we went to the Ounce to extinguish our thirst for tea. It was fun to spot aquitances from the guest book. XD).
Afterwards we went to get some refreshments from Bulervardi's coffee salon. But our hopes were again disapppointed. No good tea here either. Our search for a favorite spot continues. (Later we went to the Ounce to extinguish our thirst for tea. It was fun to spot aquitances from the guest book. XD).
Mitä ylläni oli/What I wore:
Hattu/Hat: Vintage
Helmikaulakoru/Pearl necklace: Joulukylästä/ From the locan Christmas Village
Helmirannekoru/Bracelet: Vintage
Paita/Shirt: Random
Leninki/Dress: Juliette & Justine
Kengät/Shoes: Random
Hattu/Hat: Vintage
Helmikaulakoru/Pearl necklace: Joulukylästä/ From the locan Christmas Village
Helmirannekoru/Bracelet: Vintage
Paita/Shirt: Random
Leninki/Dress: Juliette & Justine
Kengät/Shoes: Random
Tässä vielä tarkempi kuva rannekorustani. Sain sen isoäidiltäni. Hänelle se on liian pieni ja minulle liian suuri. Pelkään jatkuvasti kadottavani sen.
Here is a more detailed shot of my bracelet. It wa given to me by my Grand mum. For her it was too small and for me it is too large. I constantly fear that I will loose it.
Here is a more detailed shot of my bracelet. It wa given to me by my Grand mum. For her it was too small and for me it is too large. I constantly fear that I will loose it.
Mademoiselle Parapluie