Sunday, 2 December 2012

New series! My teaset!

As all of you know I love tea. With passion. So I've been thinking of showing you the teacups and other tea related things I have and I realized that making it in one post would make that a very long, very picture heavy post. So I decided that I will show you my teasets one set at a time. Today we are going to look at the set I call Lomonosov net. 

Click the picctures to make them bigger.
The Lomonosov net was the first Russian teaset I got. My mother gave it to me as a Christmas present. I only have the cups and the saucers and hope I would some day get the pot and other things too. As you can sea this set is blue white and gold, which is a reaccurring theme in my teasets. I have other colours too but the majority of my teasets are white and blue with accents of gold.

 Here is the plate of this set. As you can see the pattern is gorgeus and very fluid. The white insert on the middle gives it a ligth and open feel. The blue is painted under the glazing and the gold is added over it. The technique gives the patter some texture but will prevent washing these in a washing machine. 

Here is the cups handle. It is blue and it has some sort of a flower pattern, a lily maybe? The handle is very basic in shape, it has not extra nubs or swirls and it compliments the ornate pattern of the cup quite nicely. 

The inner rim of the cup has a thin gold pattern a half circle with something that resembles a rising sun in it. I like a cup which has a bit of decoration on the inside too. It makes tea time fancier. 

And finally the Lomonosov stamp. This one is made in the time of USSR which would make it 1917 to 1992. I really don't know how old these cups are but they are gorgeus so I don't really care.  The mark is reddish brown which I think is good. 

Next time, I will show you one of my teapots!

Mademoiselle Parapluie


  1. Kyllä tuosta kelpaa juoda teetä. :) Osaisinpa itsekin panostaa teenjuonnin estetiikkaosastoon. Juon aina teeni Bodumin thermo glassesista. Laatutuote ja hurjan kevyt ja mukava toki, sillä juotava pysyy lämpimänä polttamatta kättä.

    1. Kiitos. Itse en Thermolasista ole kuullut. Pannu on tähän mennessä pitänyt lämmön ihan tarpeeksi hyvin.

  2. Nuo ovatkin hienot kupit :) Anopillani on samaa sarjaa iso kasa, joten sen vuoksi en aio itse hankkia näitä. Ainoastaan teekannu uupuu, ja vähän harmittaa, etten ostanut sitä ainoaa, johon olen kirppiksillä törmännyt.

    1. Kiitos. Olen itsekin nähnyt kannuja kirppreilla mutta en ole ikinä saanut ostettua.

  3. This is a truly beautiful cup! Maybe ou could ask for more information about the date in some sort of collectors forum?

    1. I migth. Or there is always tha option of sending a picture to an antiques magazine.

  4. How stunning! I always love blue and gold combos, they are very elegant. I never had anything from russia before. <3
