Monday, 26 November 2012

My birthday!

I celebrated my birthday with my friends yesterday! We went to a nice Italian restaurant and had tea afterwards at my place.

I wore:

Hat, shirt: vintage
Dress: Hand made by me ( it's that annoying blue colour that only looks blue under very brigth sunshine. Which we didn't have yesterday.)
Bag: Super random.
Socks: Sokos
Shoes: Wonders
Pearls: Bought from the Christmas market last year.
Gloves: Belle Modeste

Thank you for all my friends, for their company and presents they gave me. Luv you girls.

Mademoiselle Parapluie.


  1. Oikein kaunista ja herttaista syntymäpäivää sinulle!

  2. Hienoa ja kantajansa näköistä loleilua sävy sävyyn. Miltä aikakaudelta vintagehattusi on? Kiinnostaisi tutustua tarkemmin blouseesi. Harmi ettei se erotu kuvasta. (Omissa kuvissani on sama pulma ja silti napisen aiheesta. xD )

    Onnittelut. =)

    1. Valitettavasti en oikein tiedä hatun aikakautta. Bongasin sen kirpputorilta ja niissä harvemmin tiedetään enempää hatuista. Paita on tosi ihana 100% silkkiä.

  3. You look really pretty, hope you had a great birthday party!^^

  4. Happy borthday! (now on the right date!!) hope you had fun and a greaaaaat day! :D

  5. Ohh, first of all I want to wish you a very happy belated birthday! I hope you had a nice day!
    I love every single outfit of yours but I think this is one of my favourites so far! The hat, the dress, the gloves... Everything! You look really gorgeous!

  6. Ihanaista syntymäpäivää kauniille neidolle! ♥

    ~ Frillycakes ♥ ~

  7. Your petticoat is wonderfully huge! I love your outfit and your gloves are especially beautiful. Happy birthday, btw.

  8. hyvää syntymäpäivää :)

  9. Olen pahoillani!

    I had not realized it was your birthday yesterday, or I would have said something. I'm glad you had a great day!
