Friday, 2 November 2012

Lolita blog carnival: My lolita playlist

This week Lolita blog carnival subject was lolita playlists. My taste in music is quite wide. I listen to classical, melodic metal, movie soundtracks and even pop so it was rather hard to pick out my favorites.

Niccolo Paganini is one of my favorite composers. I especially like his work for violin. For some reason I really really love violin music. It has a romantic gothic element that I enjoy. Plus violins are very pretty...

Kokusyoku Sumire is one of my favorite bands. They are so quirky and dark.Their music inspires me. Oh how I wish they would come to Finland.

Lotr soundtrack is the thing I listen to while traveling to meet my friends. It's the best traveling music ever. So epic. Makes every train trip that much better.

Other music that I like to listen to are Malize mizer and Moi dix mois, Nigthwish, Embacy of silence, many many classical composers, Lolita complex and many other things.

 What exactly is this lolita blog carnival thing?

Lolita blog carnival is a group of lolita bloggers who agree to write about the same prompt every week to hear many opinions about things related to lolita and also to promote eachothers blogs.

Other participants this week:

Kira kira shoujo
Geisha Baby

Mademoiselle Parapluie


  1. Uih! LOTR soundtrackit ♥
    Mulla on kaikki kolme cd-levyinä, oon kauhea fanittaja! Ei oo tullu pitkään aikaan kuunneltua, mutta varmaankin tässä taas innostuu katsomaan leffat ainakin, ennen kuin Hobbit-elokuva tulee leffateattereihin. :)

    ~ Frillycakes ♥ ~

    1. Hobbit-elokuvaa odotetaan täälläkin kovasti. Lotrin soundtrack on parhautta!

    2. Pitääpi yrittää päästä ensi-iltaan. Perinteikkäästi tullut nähtyä jokainen lotr-elokuva heti ensimmäisessä näytöksessä, joten pakko kai väijyä niitä lippuja tälläkin kertaa. ^_^

  2. Paganini, Kokusyoku Sumire, LOTR soundtrack... what a lovely selection, Mademoiselle Parapluie!♥ I adore classical music and music which draws inspiration from it - and LOTR soundtrack is so heavenly... are you planning to see the Hobbit, by the way?

    1. I am glad to here that thre are other classical music lovers out there. And yes I am planning to go see the hobbit.
