Friday 5 July 2013

On Etiquette and Espionage

 Etiquette and Espioage is the first book in the Finishing school-series by Gail Carriger. I read it recenty and fell in love. It reminded me of the first time I read a Harry Potter book. Naturally I can not wait the next instalment which will be published on November.
The series is set on an alternative Victorian age with a lot of Steampunk influences. As the series name suggests it takes place on a finishing school whic will teach you to poison, stab and spy with the utmost cordiality at the Mademoiselle Geraldine's Finishing academy for young women of quality.

The story begins when Sophoronia Temminnick is send to the academy by her mother. Of course the mother doesn't know that the academy educates young women to be not only ladies of quality but also top notch spies for the Great British empire. Sophronia has been spotted by a academy alumni as covert reqruit.
The relationships between Sophronia and her friends Dimity Plumleigh-Teimgnmott, Lady Sidheag Maccon, Agatha Woosmoss, Vieve and Soap are pictured lively and are definitely one of the best parts of the book. The adventures they get into are made better by this.

What I must add is that the book has absolutely brilliant lore about vampires and werewolfs that I shall leave for you to find out when you read this amazing book.

Oh and heres the books website from which I took the pictures. It's hilarious.
Mademoiselle Parapluie


  1. Kuulostaapa mielenkiintoiselta kirjalta! En oo aiemmin kuullutkaan tuosta. Saako tuota ihan Suomesta jostain, vai pitääkö tilata ulkomailta?

    1. Ostin omani Suomalaiseesta kirjakaupasta joten ei tarvinnut tilata mitenkän hankalasti. ^^

  2. Oh dear! You have fooled me to crave another book in my to read pile!! It seems very intruiging.

    1. I most heartily apologize and hope that such inconvience isnt too much for you. But yes, the book is truly intrigueing.

  3. Oh my, I must get this book..! Thank you for writing about it!

  4. Ihana kirja!
    Tilasin heti omaniä,
    mistä sen saa suomalaisen ohella tilattua ^^
