Saturday, 15 September 2012

Velvet and lace make everything better

A couple of days ago I purchased a pair of wool gloves from Glitter.  Amazingly warm and cute. I do recommend. After wearing them for one day I decided however that they needed a bit a sprusing up.

The gloves before.
I decided namely to replace the bows which I have to admit do look a bit cheap. After a bit of sewing the gloves looked far better in my opinion.

The gloves now.
Mademoiselle Parapluie.


  1. Hihi! Minä sovittelin noita juuri eilen Glitterissä. Olivat minustakin kivat. Hieno tuunaus! Niitä oli kahta väriä, harmaat ja mustat. Kummat nuo olivat? :)

  2. Ostin itsekin eilen samanlaiset ja ajattelin heti että nuo rusetit ovat ainakin väärin päin. Mutta muuten aivan älyttömän sirot ja elegantit hansikkaat.

  3. The velvet bows was definitely much better! Good job!

  4. 100x better. You've made it a lot more classy *u*
