Monday, 24 January 2011

Arvatkaa mikä? No geneerinen päivän asu tietenkin!

Kävin eilen shoppailemassa Caramean kanssa. Ostin vähän pitsiä ja kävimme kahvilassa.Caramea katseli myös mattoa huoneeseensa.

Yesterday I went shopping with Caramea. I bougth some lace and we went to a coffee shop. Caramlea also lookedd for a carpet.

Ylläni oli:

Hattu/ Hat: Vintage, modified by me
Kaulakoru/ Necklace: Ophmin gothique
Paita/Shirt: Vintage
Mekko/Dress: Juliette & Justine
Sukkahousut/ tigths: Lindex
Kengät/Shoes: Random

Quest for lace of enchantement

At first ligt of sun, she took
Her armour of lace and frills
It was the morning of cold January day
As she railed her iron horse
And took the road to
The great city by the shore of the great eastern sea

It was in this city where she met
Her great and strong ally
They had long before been friends and comrades
And they had a mission, a quest
To find the lace of enchantement

"I have my friend a dress to make
So fair it will be fit for a queen.
And no other trim will do than
The mystical lace of enchantement."

So our two heroesses took of by walking
The word on the streets was that
The lace of enchantment
Laid in the great trade house of Stockmann
They headed to that great palace of materia.

Confronting the chamberlain
They asked with great strong voice:
"Where shall we find the magical frill,
the great lace of enchantement?"

Chamberlain fearing for his life
Answered quicly to our heroesses
"Travel to the fifth floor of this great house.
There shall be a chamber maid
most knowledgable and fair.
Take her words to heart
And lace of enchantemend shall belong to thee"

So our heroesses take to the fifth floor
And meet the maid so fair and bonnie
She quickly tells where to find
The object of their desire

And so they walk to
The shelve of laces and trims so fair
Amazed of the quantity of ribbons so gay
"So many fair laces we have infront of us
Which of them is the one we seek?"

"I fear I do not know my loyal friend
But it's the one I must find.
These clues I have with me:
It's sewn by the hands of elves from fair Italy
It's colour dark as the moonless nigth
Shining softly as a strand of silk."

"I feel my friend that
The only laces that fits
Thy description is this one"
Says her ally
Taking a narrow lace from the shelve.

As dark as the moonless nigth
Shining softly as the silk strand
Sewed by the fair Elves of Italy
Fitting to a robe of a queen
It's the Lace of Enchantement.

"Our quest has ended to a Victory
Now let us find a tavern,
A house of tea
To celebrate our victory!"

Joitan yksityiskohtia pitsin metsätyksestäni on muutettu dramaattisen vaikutuksen saamiseksi.

Some details of my lace hunt have been changed to add dramatic impact.

Mademoiselle Parapluie.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Jälleen geneerinen päivänasu ja blogin 2-vuotis syntymäpäivä!

Eli tällaiselta näytin tänään käydessäni hieman kaupungilla. Tuli ostettua kangasta ja viimeinkin se kauan kauattu valokynä (YSL: Touche Eclat. Miten niin kallis maku?) Kankaasta olisi tarkoitus syntyä kiva hamonen jotain tulevaa miittiä ajatellen.

And this is how I looked like today while going shopping. I bougth some fabric and the long avaited ligthener (YSL: Touche Eclat. What do you mean expensive taste?) The fabric will mysteriously morp into a skirt before an up and coming meetup.

Ylläni oli/ What I wore:

Pusero/Blouse: Vintage
Hame/Skirt: Moi-même-moitié
Asusteet/Accessories: Alchemy gothic, Sanna von Steam

Ja nyt rakkaat lukija blogini toisen syntymäpäivän kunniaksi annan teille ainutlaatuisen tilaisuuden valita miten sitä juhlista. Vaihtoehtoja ovat:

Videopostaus (OMG)

Voitte kommenteillanne vaikuttaa tähän päätökseen.

And now my dear reader in honour of the second birthday of my blog I will give you the rigth to chooce how to celebrate it. Options are:

A giveaway
Videolog (OMG)
Question and answer.

Use comments to voice your opinion.

Mademoiselle Parapluie

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Taas geneerinen päivän asu postaus. Another generic daily oufit

Tämä asu oli ylläni taannoisessa radiohaastattelussa. Haastattelija oli oikein mukava ja ystävällinen. Jutustakin tuli oikein onnistunut eikä sanomisiani pahemmin vääristelty.

I wore this outfit on friday for my radio interview. The reporter was really nice and very friendly. The story also wwas a success and she did not put words in to my mouth.

Ylläni oli/What I wore
Hiuspanta/head band: Ninja
Kaulakoru/Necklace: Rippiristi Confirmation present.
Pusero/Blouse: Vintage
Pusakka/Cardigan: Victorian maiden
Hame/Skirt: Made by me
Sukat/socks: random
Tohvelit/Slippers: A gift from flower thief.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Geneerinen päivänasupostaus/ Generic daily outfit

Tätini ja hänen miseystävänsä kävivät eilen vieraisilla ja kävimme myös parissa antiikkiliikkeessä. Ostoksiakin tuli tehtyä mutta niistä tulevassa sisustuspostauksessa enemmän.

My aunt and her malefriend visited us yesterday and we went antiquing too. More of my finds in the up coming decoration post.

Ylläni oli/ What I was wearing:

Headdress: Btssb
Shirt: Vintage
Dress: Juliette &Justine
Stockings: Lindex
Shoes: Barbara Bucci

Mademoiselle Parapluie