Monday, 8 April 2013

Artsy teaparty

Yesterday I hosted a teaparty with Kata. We had an art theme so we scetched portraits of each other. It was quite fun, so maybe we shoud do this again sometime.

I wore:

Headbow: Hennez et Mauritz
Shirt: Fan + friend modified by me
Pearl necklace: Emily Temple cute
Pearl braclets: From my grandmother and from a market seller
Over dress: Victorian maiden
Underskirt: I made it.
Socks: Sokos
Shoes: I bougth them from Mari

And here is a picture of my untamable petticoat (which I call Boris). After returning from Joensuu I have had this need to wear black and white. After quite a lot of colour (by my standards) I find it quite refreshing.

Okay that's all. Have some derp. 

Mademoiselle Parapluie


  1. Repeän Anssille, joka on ainoa pokerinaama derppien keskellä. Ikuinen pönöttäjä. XD

    Nätit asut teillä kaikilla tytsyillä! <3 Toivottavasti julkaisette sitten niitä piirroksiakin.

    1. Kiitos. Eiköhän jossain vaiheessa tule kuvailtua niitäkin.

  2. Ihana idea teekutsuille! ♡

    Olen ihan höpönä tuohon muhkeaan Boris-tyllihameseen!! :D
    Onko se ihan kankaasta tehty? Olisin oikein kiinnostunut tietämään siitä lisää. ^__^

    ♡ Frillycakes ♡

  3. You look so elegant and that last picture is just epic, I love how classical and vintage it looks and your faces are... perfect haha! ; )

    1. Thank you. We had a lot of fun trying to take that picture as more than one of us lost their cool and started laughing just when the camere clicked.

  4. I'm in love with Boris hahaha, it's perfect for you (and for me, I guess xDD)
