Sunday, 3 February 2013

The culture of Salon

 About Salons

Recently I read a book called Salons of five centuries, which talks about the culture salons of European history from reneissance to the romantic era. I found this book extremely interesting not only because I am a history buff but because the whole idea of a salon is charming. The intelligent conversation, the culture, plays, art and music. In those times there were nothing to entertain people so they chose to do it themselves.

The salon was decidly a feminine space and thusly it was clear that this antiquated culture resonated to me as a lolita. There were so many similiarities with the salon and with the meetings I enjoy with my friends. Salons were elegant and though we are not yet on their level we are aiming for elegance and beauty. I don't think that our simple gatherings will ever change history like the gatherings in Paris before the revolution or be as civilized as the lovely salons of reneissance Italy, but I hope they are as joyous and happy as them.

I know some of you may think that I am silly for thinking of things like these, but I would love an arts meet up where one could for example do quick scetches of other lolitas, or maybe musical one. The idea of a place where everyone could pursue their respective talents while talking with other lovely ladies is charming indeed. Maybe someone would recite poetry or read loud, or there migth be music or even small plays. The book about salons has given me endless inspiration and I can't wait to make some of these ideas to come to life.

Mademoiselle Parapluie


  1. The salon culture is very charming and I really love your ideas!

  2. I completely agree with you! I am also fascinated by the Salon scene throughout history, particularly Chopin & Liszt in Paris in the 19th century.
    I've been planning a "Salon Night" for our lolita community this winter (in the southern hemisphere) and we also had a "mini" Salon Night last weekend, with piano-playing, reading, singing and games.
    I hope you take the idea further and initiate something in your community too - I think the lolita fashion and lifestyle lends itself to indulging in these cultured pastimes and sharing our talents! :) xx

    1. I certainly will! I'm already planning a scetching meetup to happen during this spring.

  3. This is very interesting!!
    Thanks for sharing ^^

  4. That book sounds so interesting! Definitely we have lost something in the modern culture. Women don't do things together in the same way anymore. I would love to gather a group and be creatful or artful with.

    1. I agree. Women gave up a lot to be equal (equality being something I really enjoy) but I do hope we can bring these cultured hobbies to the modern age.

  5. Olikohan kyseessä suomenkielinen teos, joka on julkaistu joskus 30-luvulla? Luin sellaisen joitakin vuosia sitten, ja se oli todellakin innostava. Kannatan lämpimästi sivistyneen salonkikulttuurin henkiinherätystä!
