Me and Mari from New vogue Children decided to have a bit of fun this Christmas. From 1st of December to 24th we'll be posting coordinates to our instagrams under the #LolitaChristmasChallenge hashtag.
1. Pick a theme - it doesn't have to be Christmas related. It could be anything: your favourite season, colour, pattern, animal, place, food...
2. Create a coordination around that theme from 1st to 24th of December.
3. Take a picture of your coordinate (either worn, on a dummy or simply laid out) and post it to Instagram.
4. Remember to tag all your coordinations with #LolitaChristmasChallenge.
5. Be creative & have fun!
I've decided to do a tartan theme since it seems I keep collecting tartan and plaid dresses. Those interested on what I'll come up with you can follow my instagram @mimiparapluie
Mari chose Bunnies as her theme and you can follow her coordinates at @caranette
Hope to see you in the challenge!
Madame Parapluie