Mademoiselle Parapluie
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Sunday, 27 November 2011
I had a sudden attack of Harry Potter fangirlism.
Kuten jo otsikossakin mainittiin fanityttökohtaus iski. Korpinkynsi on ehdottomasti lempitupani vaikka löytyy sitä tilaa myös Luihuisille. (Ja ne jotka nyt valittavat siitä että huivi on leffavärinen: Pidän leffaväreistä enemmän.)
As said in the headline I had a sudedn attack of fangirlsm. Ravenclaw is definetly my favorite house, though I like the Slytherins a whole lot too. (And for those who want to complain about my scarf using the movie colours: Oh shut up, I like it.)
As said in the headline I had a sudedn attack of fangirlsm. Ravenclaw is definetly my favorite house, though I like the Slytherins a whole lot too. (And for those who want to complain about my scarf using the movie colours: Oh shut up, I like it.)
Ylläni oli/I wore
Baskeri ja villatakki/ Beret and cardgan: Sokos
Paitapusero/ Blouse: Vintage
Hame ja huivi/ Skirt and scarf: Handmade by yours truly
Kengät/ Shoes: Mekka
Mademoiselle Parapluie
Baskeri ja villatakki/ Beret and cardgan: Sokos
Paitapusero/ Blouse: Vintage
Hame ja huivi/ Skirt and scarf: Handmade by yours truly
Kengät/ Shoes: Mekka
Mademoiselle Parapluie
Friday, 4 November 2011
Suosikkibrändini/ My favorite brands
Juliette & Justine
Juliette & Justine viehättää minua tietynlaisella aristokraattisuudellaan. Mekoissa ja paidoissa on vanhanaikaista, ylevää, eleganssia jota nähdään myös Victorian maidenin vaatteissa. Olen myös ihastunut tapaan jolla Juliette & Justine hyödyntää vanhoja taideteoksia mekoissaan, se on näyttävää mutta yksinkertaista. Ensimmäinen brändimekkoni oli myös Juliette & Justinea joten, brändillä on erityinen paikka sydämessäni.
I find Juliette & Justine attractive because its designs have a certain aristocratic air to them. Dresses, skirts and blouses emulate a gracefull, dignified elegance, which can also be seen on the designs of Victorian maiden. I find the way, Juliette & Justine utilizes classic art on their dresses and skirts, lovely. It is epic, yet simple and elegant. My first brand dress happened to be Juliette & Justine so this brand holds a special place in my heart.
I find Juliette & Justine attractive because its designs have a certain aristocratic air to them. Dresses, skirts and blouses emulate a gracefull, dignified elegance, which can also be seen on the designs of Victorian maiden. I find the way, Juliette & Justine utilizes classic art on their dresses and skirts, lovely. It is epic, yet simple and elegant. My first brand dress happened to be Juliette & Justine so this brand holds a special place in my heart.
Moi-même-Moitié oli pitkään suosikkibrändini. Rakastin sen goottilaista eleganssia ja ihania kirkkoprinttejä. Ja vaikka nyt muut merkit ovat vieneet ensisijan, Moitiélla on edelleen asioita jotka ihastuttavat minua. Esimerkiksi merkin korut ovat hurmaavia, eritoten se blingattu risti sinisenä olisi kiva. Rakastan myös moitién aristokraattivaatteita vaikka itse pukeudunkin vain lolitaan.
Moi-même-Moitié was my favorite brand for a looong time. I used to love the gothic elegance and church prints of Moitié. And although other brands have now stolen the favorite spot, Moitié still has things that intrigue me. For example I just love the jewelery especially the jewel encrusted cross is gorgeus! I also love the aristocratic clothes although I wear only lolita.
Moi-même-Moitié was my favorite brand for a looong time. I used to love the gothic elegance and church prints of Moitié. And although other brands have now stolen the favorite spot, Moitié still has things that intrigue me. For example I just love the jewelery especially the jewel encrusted cross is gorgeus! I also love the aristocratic clothes although I wear only lolita.
Victorian maiden
Niin kuin mainitsin jo aiemmin, Victorian maiden viehättää minua aristokraattisuudellaan ja melkein kuninkaallisella eleganssillaan. Myös sen vanhanaikainen romanttisuus on ollut lähellä sydäntäni. Victorian maidenissä yhdistyvät monet asiat joita rakastan lolitassa: Vanhanaikaisuus, yksityiskohtainen mutta laadukas toteutus, tyylisilmä, klassisuus ja jonkinlainen synkkä romanttisuus (väristä riippuen luonnollisesti).
As I mentioned before I find Victorian maiden lovely because of it's aristocratic and almost regal elegance. I also love the oldtimey romantic aspect of the brands look. Victorian maiden combines many of my favorite things about lolita: Old fashioned femininety, attention to detail with high quality standard, sense of style, classiness and some sort of dark romantic style (depending on the colour of course).
As I mentioned before I find Victorian maiden lovely because of it's aristocratic and almost regal elegance. I also love the oldtimey romantic aspect of the brands look. Victorian maiden combines many of my favorite things about lolita: Old fashioned femininety, attention to detail with high quality standard, sense of style, classiness and some sort of dark romantic style (depending on the colour of course).
Innocent World
Innocent World on uusi tulokas suosikkilistallani. Olen aina pitänyt sen pitkähihaisista mekoista, mutta useimmiten muut vaatteet eivät ole napanneet. Nyt olen kuitenkin aivan myyty. Innocent World tuo kaappiini uudenlaista suloisuutta jota, olen jo jonkinaikaa kaivannut. Lisäksi merkin paidat ovat upeita.
Innocent World is relatively new on my favorite list. I have always liked the long sleeved dresses they have but the other things haen't been that big of a thing for me. Now however I totally love them! Innocent World brings a new kind of cuteness to my wardrobe which it has been lacking for some time. I adore their shirts too!
Innocent World is relatively new on my favorite list. I have always liked the long sleeved dresses they have but the other things haen't been that big of a thing for me. Now however I totally love them! Innocent World brings a new kind of cuteness to my wardrobe which it has been lacking for some time. I adore their shirts too!
Näiden lisäksi pidän luonnollisesti myös omista luomuksistani, tietyistä indiebrändeistä ja vintagesta.
Other than the above I naturally like my own creations, specific indie brands and vintage.
Other than the above I naturally like my own creations, specific indie brands and vintage.
Mademoiselle Parapluie
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